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Rogers TV Interviews Zumba Ko!

Find out what Zumba® with us is all about!
We have been selected to show Rogers TV what Zumba® is all about, and we did NOT disappoint!
The Energy of the class was OFF THE HOOK!

What is Zumba®?

Find out from Fox TV:


Zumba® is Chicken Soup for the Body & Soul!

Marci Shimoff, New York Time Best Seller author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series for women, speaks up about her encounter with Zumba® and how it makes her “happy for no reason”:

[Link to HD version]


Nobody” by Wonder Girls ~ Valentine’s Day 2011


Valentine’s Day release!!  It’s the ‎1st time we are sharing our Zumba® choreo with the world!
It’s an very popular (originally Korean) song which is quite appropriate for Valentine’s day!

Hope you like it!
~HUGE thx to our Fab4 in the back row: (left->right) Rita, Tracey, Iris and Denise.
This is a dedication to everyone out there, be you singled or coupled!
♥♥ Happy Valentine’s Day!! ♥♥ ^.^

[HD version of video available here]


Zumba-thon to End Women’s Cancer ~ June 13, 2010

[HD version of video available here]

__________  Zumba® Your Way to a Hot Body

The best exercise is exercise you look forward to doing.
Dance fitness: Latin-inspired Zumba® will get you fit fast.
Looking for a fun and fast way to get fit? Get yourself to a Zumba® class – a dance class spirited with Latin and international beats, a mix of rhythms, resistance training and hot and spicy aerobic conditioning. Zumba®‘s combination of interval training and body sculpting in an easy-to-follow dance format will have you shredding calories and grooving your body into super shape.



What is Zumba®? and 60 pounds weight lost story:


Beto ~ Zumba®‘s Creator ~ Get to know his passion!


Zumba® taking China by Storm!!

(boring copyright stuff in beginning, plz bear with it :)
